Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Week 4 Reflection

 My understanding of Bloom's Taxonomy is that it builds off one another. The levels of Bloom's Taxonomy go deeper into understanding as you go up the model, or triangle, in this case.  Blooms lowest tier of understanding is remembering. Remembering is like memorizing more of a recall of information; not that deep of an understanding. Next is understanding. This is where you can not only recall information, but explain ideas and concepts with whatever you are learning. Next is apply; which would be using the information in new or different situations. This application is, I think, truly what it means to understand a topic. But there are more levels of this triangle, and fourthly would be analyzing information, which is basically making connections to your learning. The last two are to evaluate and create information. Evaluating information would be justifying a stand or decision and then to end the triangle, to produce a new work, which is to create. We did an in-class activity to show how to use Bloom’s in a classroom:

Webb's Depth of Knowledge essentially says that no learning has been done until students can apply or use the knowledge. Going back to my first paragraph, I said that a student doesn't fully comprehend a subject until they can apply it. This is why I like Webb’s so much, because it is similar to Blooms but it is more about the process of thinking not just a hierarchy, and more so used to indicate an activity's complexity. Webb’s can be used in future instruction in a classroom to assess children in what they have learned; like label locations on a map, solve multi-step problems, support ideas on an anchor chart with details, or design a model after a lesson.


  1. Hey Dana! I really like how you added that picture of the Bloom's Taxonomy activity that we did in class. It shows that you can include your own visual learning within the blog! I think you did a great job explain both Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK!

  2. Hi Dana,
    Good job explaining both Bloom's Taxonomy and DOK. I like how you put both explanations into your own words and added your opinion of why you like Webb's and how you plan to incorporate it into your own class. I also like how you used the in class example that you made!


Week 7 & 8 Reflection

 Using Data to Drive Instruction     This week, we worked with excel to interpret student assessment data. I liked that we went over this, n...